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Friday, 11 April 2014

Top 10 Ridiculous Wedding Customs

Despite what the wedding planners say, many wedding customs are pretty stupid and pointless. Some ridiculous wedding customs are older, established traditions and others are newer trends, but none of them make much sense — especially for guys.
So, let’s get to them: Here are the top 10 most ridiculous wedding customs.

Number 10

Throwing stuff

Rice and confetti are two of the most popular materials that are flung around with reckless abandon at weddings. Is this really a good idea at aformal event, however? Do the newlyweds really need to be pelted with food and covered with silly string for the rest of the evening?

Number 9

Bachelor party the night before the wedding

This is another ridiculous wedding custom that doesn’t fare well on the practicality scale. Why would anyone want to get wasted the night before his wedding and spend the next day in a blurry daze? And most importantly: Why would a man want to face the wrath of his bridezilla while she yells at him for making frequent trips to throw up in the bathroom? Engage in the required drunken debauchery the weekend before and avoid said problems.

Number 8

Receiving line

Receptions usually feature the dreaded receiving line, which consists of every member of the wedding party (bride, groom, mothers, fathers, bridesmaids). In this ridiculous wedding custom, you’re required to greet and congratulate each and every one of them — even if you don’t know them. It goes without saying that this is an incredible waste of time for everyone involved; an informal approach and the directions to the bar would certainly suffice.

Number 7

Prolonged bachelor/bachelorette parties

More of a British wedding phenomenon, the exaggerated bachelor/bachelorette party is a ridiculous wedding custom and another good way to bankrupt your friends. Some soon-to-be-married couples in the UK insist on getting their rocks off in a week-long stag party in the Spanish resort of their choice, and the same idea is gaining popularity on this side of the pond. Whatever happened to just getting the groom really drunk and putting him on a Greyhound to Seattle?

Number 6

Baby ring bearers/flower girls

Do we really expect kids to behave themselves just because the adults are serious about the wedding? We’re talking about children under the age of 4 who usually end up kicking and screaming and having to be whisked off somewhere so the ceremony can continue. When people spend so much time and energy preparing the perfect wedding, it’s nonsensical for them to add the unpredictability of children into the mix.
Steer clear of these ridiculous wedding customs…

Number 5

Disposable cameras on the tables

This ridiculous wedding custom is another massive waste of money as the pictures taken by the disposable camera inevitably end up being very poor quality. Besides, who doesn’t have a digital camera and social-networking access? Pictures can be shared so easily nowadays that cardboard-box cameras are completely unnecessary.

Number 4

Sand ceremony

In this ridiculous wedding custom, the bride and groom each have a container of sand that they pour into an empty vase. Apparently, it symbolizes their unity or something like that — as if we need to be reminded yet again what marriage entails. It’s an alternative to the candle-lighting ceremony (which is equally as superfluous) and it just means more things to buy and another useless post-wedding keepsake.

Number 3

The Jack and Jill party

An alternative to the wedding shower, the Jack and Jill party forces your friends to pay for an unnecessarily extravagant party in the hopes of raising the money needed to throw an even more lavish wedding. Another equally stupid version of the J&J is combining the bride’s bachelorette party with the groom’s bachelor party, eliminating the need for two separate parties. In retrospect, however, this ridiculous wedding custom is just another fund-raiser and an additional obligation for your friends. It was obviously created so that the groom gets a bunch of free stuff too, instead of just the bride.

Number 2

Mashing cake in each other’s faces

The gesture of smearing cake in another’s face was probably quite funny when it happened by chance for the first time, but it’s become little more than a cliche that we could all do without. The intertwining-arms-to-sip-champagne thing is about the only tradition more revolting than this one.

Number 1

Clinking glasses

An established ridiculous wedding custom at far too many weddings, the clinking of glasses as a prompt for the newlyweds to kiss simply has to go. It’s not even that funny or cute the first couple of times, and at a wedding with 400 guests it gets downright annoying when the couple can’t even eat their dinner or have a conversation without hearing the annoying clamor of silver to glass.

saying “i do”…

At the end of the day, a lot of these ridiculous wedding customs are just shameless attempts to raise money for the new couple to have a lavish wedding experience. Many of them are also practiced simply for the sake of tradition — because “everyone’s doing it.” Sometimes, however, (especially when it comes to weddings) breaking tradition can feel pretty darn good.

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